Thursday, April 25, 2013

5 Super Quick Weight Loss Tips

Carry a packed lunch

The one activity you must think saves you time on a weekday is to skip cooking while rushing to work. Eating out is in vogue and let`s you catch up on sleep after a late night. But, do remember that eating out is not a weight-friendly option – The kilos will pile on even with you eating the supposedly safe thali meals. So, wake up every day with your mind set on packing a quick lunch of easy workplace lunches.

Drink plenty of water

It`s two hours since you ate and you`ve been rushing through your report without batting an eye. If you suddenly realise you`re hungry and reach out for a packet of chips or biscuits, it`s time you learnt to distinguish between hunger and cravings. When you think you`re craving to munch on something, plain water should come to your rescue. Keep your bottle filled at all times and sip at it every now and then so that you don`t feel those so-called hunger pangs in-between meals.

Eat more salads

Try to include a couple of salads every day to reach your weight loss goal with ease. Chop veggies like carrots, cucumber and capsicum into large bite-size pieces and add a dash of limejuice and pepper to make a healthy salad. Chewing on the large veggie pieces slowly gives your brain the signals of fullness and keeps you going till your next meal.

Buy small portions

Don`t get carried away by the discounted rates on big packaged foods – be it biscuits or noodles or even the extra large packet of chips. Buying smaller portions is the easiest way to ensure you eat

Change your exercise routine

If walking is your passion, do it every day. Only, remember to break into a jog every now and then so that you are able to include more activity in your workout time. This mix and match routine not only has more impact on your weight loss but also helps you if your weight is plateauing.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What to wear at the gym


The easiest and most acceptable fashion choice for top wear is a T-shirt. We’re not talking about your stained and tattered Cape Cod tourist T-shirt here, though. You’re going to have to be a little pickier than that. To ensure that you choose a functional and fashionable tee, you should look for a few particular characteristics.

T-shirts should be made of light, breathable material, such as cotton. Avoid polyester. Consider a microfiber material to help keep you cool and dry. Your shirt should also fit properly; T-shirts that are too large or too tight should be avoided.

Don’t: Thinking about wearing a mesh T-shirt? Not unless you have a time machine to travel back to 1985, McFly. Though tempting, you should also stay away from the basic white T-shirt, for three reasons: White does not radiate heat as well as darker colors, making it harder to stay cool; it picks up dirt and stains easily; and we all know what happens to white T-shirts when they get wet. If you sweat through it, everyone will know about your third nipple.

You should also avoid A-shirts, those thin white tank tops often associated with domestic abuse. If you are adamant about having your “guns” show, just wear a sleeveless shirt instead of a tank top. And please, for everybody’s sake, even if you can bench press 350 pounds, don’t wear one of those ridiculous tank tops with spaghetti strap-like pieces of fabric that hold it together and leave your pecs exposed.


A wise woman once said: “Wearing spandex is a privilege, not a right.” For women, that’s probably true. For men, it’s neither a privilege nor a right; it’s a very, very bad mistake. If you have some medical or athletic reason to wear form-fitting spandex shorts, wear longer shorts to cover them up. Your best bet here are simple cotton or mesh gym shorts that don’t extend more than an inch or two below the knees. These shorts should be worn at or slightly below your waist, not hanging off your butt—you aren’t in a rap video.

Don’t: Sweatpants are fine, but probably not the most fashionable choice. There really isn’t any reason to be wearing long pants at the gym, unless you are self-conscious about your legs. In this case, there are more stylish exercise pants sold by Adidas and Nike.

Shoes and socks

With so many versatile and stylish athletic shoes on the market, it shouldn’t be hard to find a pair that is functional and that also appeals to your personal taste. Never wear any kind of shoe other than a sneaker because you won’t get the arch support you need during a rigorous workout. Stick to white, cushiony socks, or a variation on white. Colored and patterned socks do not mix with the gym.

Don’t: Don’t wear socks that come up much past your ankle.


Hats are generally a bad idea. They can get in the way of your weightlifting. They also trap heat coming off your head, making it harder for you to stay cool. Also, most people do not wash their hats as often as they wash their other clothes, so they can develop a less-than-savory odor rather quickly.

Don’t: Headbands are generally ridiculous—unless you’re playing basketball or tennis, and even then, proceed with caution.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Top 10 Ab Exercises

Top 10 Ab Exercises

Year after year, countless men swear that they will work their abs and achieve the elusive six-pack; most of these men fail. The reasons for wanting great abs are simple: you'll feel good about yourself and therefore boost your self-esteem and girls love them. Here are 10 of the all-time best exercises for your abs. They will help you to whip that gut into shape. Just remember that without a proper diet and a fat-burning cardio regime (such as high intensity interval training), you're ab crunches will be in vain.

Number 10
Reaching Crunch On Ball

Instructions: Sit on a Swiss ballwith your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Lean back, so that your back is almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms and point them toward the ceiling. Contract your abs, as you would for a crunch, while you reach for the ceiling with your fingertips. Hold the contracted position for three seconds. Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Number 9
Twist And Crunch

Instructions: Place a mat on the floor and lie down on your back, with your hands by your ears and your legs perpendicular to the floor. Twist your hips slightly by contracting your left oblique muscles; hold that position. Using your abs, bring your right elbow across your body to the outside of your left knee. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on your right side. Do 10 reps.

Number 8
Russian Twist

Instructions: Sit on a decline bench, with your legs firmly under the pads. Lean back slightly, so that your thighs and torso form a 90° angle. Extend your arms in front of you, so that they form a 90° with your torso, and clasp your hands together. Keeping your back straight, your chest out and your arms straight, make a semi-circle with your arms. With your abs flexed, move as far as you can from right to left and left to right, and do the motion as quickly as you can without sacrificing proper form or range of motion. Work your way up to 60 seconds of continuous movement.

Number 7
Hip Raise/Leg Raise

Instructions: Lie down on a flat bench with your legs up and perpendicular to the bench (hold the bench behind your head for stability). Lift your hips slightly off the bench by contracting your lower abs, hold for three seconds, and lower your hips. Keep your back flat on the bench, your legs straight and lower your legs until they almost form a straight line with the rest of your body. Hold for a count of three and bring them back to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Number 6

Instructions: Add some weight (try 25 pounds) to a multipurpose pulley machine and grasp the handle attachment at shoulder height with your left hand. Square yourself to the machine and take a few steps to the right (away from the machine) until there is sufficient tension. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bring your right arm across your body, and clasp your hands together while holding the handle. Keeping your arms straight and at shoulder-height, use your abs to bring your arms across your body, as though you were making a woodchopping motion. Bring them back to the starting position. Do 10 reps on each side for the excellent core workout.

Number 5

Instructions: Place a mat on the floor, lie down on your back and extend your arms above your head. Simultaneously lift your arms and legs toward the ceiling, until your fingertips touch your toes (if you can). Slowly return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Number 4
Windshield Wipers

Instructions: Place a mat on the floor and lie on on your back with your arms in the "T" position for stability. Lift your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor and rotate your hips, keeping them in contact with the floor, so that your legs move from left to right, in a "windshield wiper" motion. Make sure to move in a slow and controlled manner. Do 10 reps.

Number 3
Reverse Crunch

Instructions: Lie down on a bench with your knees bent and your upper legs at a 90° angle with your torso; grab the bench above your head for stability. Use your ab muscles to pull your knees toward your chest until they reach your elbows. Hold the crunch position for three seconds and return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Number 2
Side Crunch On Ball

Instructions: Firmly place your right hip on a Swiss ball and lean into the ball; ensure that your torso is off the ball. Support yourself by pressing the soles of your feet against the bottom of a wall. Place your hands by your ears, and contract your left oblique muscles, lifting your torso up as far as you can. Hold for three seconds and release. Do 10 reps and repeat on the opposite side.

Number 1
Front Plank On Ball

Instructions: Rest your elbows on a flat bench and the balls of your feet on an exercise ball. Contract your abs so that your body is parallel to the floor and there is no dip in your lower back. Hold the plank position for 60 seconds.

Throw a few sets of these ab destroyers between your other exercises at the gym, and within a few weeks, you'll be amazed at your newfound ripped and rock-hard midsection. Just be cool and don't become one of those guys that whips off his shirt to show them off at every opportunity.